生活 Alone, 在一起
Across most of the western world, more people are living alone in cities than ever before. 在纽约市, one third of residents live alone, up from 5% nationally in 1920, while in Stockholm 58% of the city lives solo. This shift provides independence and freedom for many, but also increases the risk of...
通过TH!NK by IBI
2016年5月16日Across most of the western world, more people are living alone in cities than ever before. 在纽约市, one third of residents live alone, up from 5% nationally in 1920, while in Stockholm 58% of the city lives solo. This shift provides independence and freedom for many, but also increases the risk of isolation. As Failed 体系结构 writes, when this shift is coupled with new developments that are devoid of shared space, 的潜力 社会隔离,spatial segregation, and the overall atomization of society 更加恶化. Have we learned from past building mistakes or in the age of individualism, are we amplifying them?